How do you relate to the subject matter of the Lecture # 50 – The Vicious Circle?
Here are some questions for you to reflect upon:
♦ Do you recall any situations in your adult life when you felt so happy that you thought you were receiving more than you really deserved?
♦ Can you think of a situation when something you desired dearly was seemingly about to happen, but then the course of events changed and your cherished desire did not materialize?
♦ When things are going well in your life, do you fear that something might go wrong and spoil
that well being?
♦ Do you recall any episode in your life when something unfortunate did happen and interrupted a phase of happiness and well being?
♦ Do you sometimes feel that you do not deserve what life has to offer? If so, in which areas of your life does this happen more noticeably? (for example, in your professional life; your social relations; your love relations).
♦ When you are doing well, do you fear that something might go wrong and spoil that well being? If so, in which areas of your life does this happen more noticeably?
♦ Does it happen that when something you so dearly desire is about to happen then the course of events change and your desire does not materialize? If so, in which areas of your life does this happen more noticeably?
Can you relate the way you feel and react today to any circumstances of your childhood and the immature conclusions you may have made then?
Consider that the way you feel and react to situations like the above may be unconsciously influenced by immature conclusions (images) made in your childhood, when you were not able to deal with your inner conflicts in a mature way. What immature conclusions could those be?