YouTube shows a very interesting video with an interview with Dr. Bruce Lipton,

The Power of Belief
commenting on the results of his research on the role of genes in our DNA. The first 5 minutes of the video are just an introduction by the host of the interview and can be skipped without loss of content.
Regarding events usually attributed to genetic causes, Dr. Lipton explains the role of genes in an innovative way, relating their effect to the beliefs we hold, either consciously or unconsciously. This new way of seeing the role of genes has lately been recognized in medicine as “Epigenetics” (above and beyond genetics).
The ideas presented by Dr. Lipton in the above mentioned interview reinforce various Pathwork concepts, as shown below.
- Dr. Lipton says that our rooted beliefs influence how we perceive our environment, which in turn influences how our genes affect our biology, determining events that manifest in our lives. According to the genetic view of genes, we are victims of our genes. In the Epi-Genetic view, we become Masters of our lives if we can master our beliefs. The Pathwork Guide teaches that we have the power to determine our fate. Our rooted beliefs (our “images”) affect our perception of life circumstances; this perception affects how we think, feel, behave and manifest events in our lives. If we become aware of our (usually unconscious) wrong beliefs (our “images”) and transform them (dissolve our images) we change how we manifest our lives. (We become Masters of our fate).
- Both Dr. Lipton and the Pathwork Guide
(along with most psychologists) emphasize the importance of the first 7 years of life in setting up the system of beliefs that we often repress to the unconscious and must deal with along the rest of our lives.
- Both Dr. Lipton and the Pathwork Guide
- Dr. Lipton explains that stressful situations adversely affect how our genes manifest, weakening the immune system. The Pathwork Guide teaches that frequent states of stress may result from perceiving threats and danger where none exist (because of rooted wrong beliefs). This overloads and damages the physical, mental and emotional capacity of the individual, jeopardizing the capacity to cope with life.
- How to notice the unconscious rooted beliefs? Our outer life reflects our inner psychic status, which may hold adverse subconscious beliefs and conflicts between conscious and unconscious beliefs. If we notice how our outer life has been evolving, this will give us important clues to identify unconscious rooted beliefs.
- How to change the adverse subconscious beliefs? Both sources recommend beginning with noticing such beliefs (becoming aware of them). This will bring unconscious beliefs to the conscious level, where they can be worked on; then reaffirm repeatedly the conscious, intellectual knowledge of such adverse beliefs and conflicts, along with the desire to change them. The Pathwork Guide further advises to look for possible negative pleasure being derived from acting out the rooted wrong beliefs (like “the sweet taste of revenge”). Dr. Lipton suggests hypnosis to access the subconscious level, both to bring its contents to the conscious level, as well as to change the wrong subconscious beliefs. (This is very different from what some others advocate, suggesting that hypnosis can be used to access the world of spirit).
- Beliefs are passed on subconsciously from generation to generation, unless this chain is broken by awareness of the process, causing it to change. (This notion closely relates to Systemic Constellation processes).
The discoveries of modern science are reaching conclusions that spiritual doctrines and mystic philosophies have long affirmed. The pace of science is only much slower, as its methods of development are bound by what our physical senses (aided by measurement devices) can perceive; this limitation does not apply to the advancements of spirituality and philosophy.
Gustavo Monteiro
February 2019
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