
Gustavo Monteiro: gustavo@pwol.ca

Exercise 3: Developing Your Observer Self

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Can you identify a situation where you have practiced an altruistic act, but your most altruistic motivation to commit this act was mixed with impure intentions coming from your lower self?


For example, a person giving alms to a beggar in need could be motivated by real charity. But this altruistic motivation could also be mixed with not so altruistic motives, like getting rid of the undesirable presence of the beggar, or avoiding a possible disparaging judgment by the beggar as a  selfish and greedy person.


If you can identify situations in which you had a mix of good and bad motives to act in a certain way, consider what your inner voices may have said in those situations. (The voices of your lower self, your higher self and your mask self?)


This kind of self analysis will foster the development of your Observer Self, a most valuable and indispensable tool in getting to know yourself.

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