This Pathwork Online (IMG) module addresses the processes of identifying and transforming immature, deeply held beliefs (called “images” in Pathwork terminology), which are usually unconscious but continue to condition our feelings and reactions into adulthood. The module also addresses the damage these beliefs cause, their nature and possible origins, as well as means and techniques for identifying and transforming them.
Feel free to use the recommended worksheet below for your own unsupervised study. If you would like to have supervision from a certified Pathwork Helper, please contact gustavo@pwol.ca for further guidance.
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1st Week:
… Recap of image identification exercises (from PWE Course):
—-> ◊ Daily Review
—-> ◊ Self-assessment: Qualities and Defects; Personality Inheritance
♦ Lecture 4 – World-Weariness
♦ Exercise 1-a: On the Law of Conservation of Spiritual Energy
♦ Exercise 1-b: Spiritually Positive Behavior
♦ Exercise 1-c: Your Spiritual Task in This Life
Week 2
♦ Exercise 2-a: Identifying Inner Conflicts
♦ Exercise 2-b: Signs of Conflicting Inner Motives
Week 3
♦ Lecture 39: Image Finding
♦ Exercise 3-a: Finding Images
♦ Exercise 3-b: Delving Deeper into the Search for Images
Week 4
♦ Exercise 4: Searching for the Origins of Images
Week 5
♦ Lecture #40 – Discovering More About Images
♦ Exercise 5: on identifying images.
Week 6
♦ Exercise 6 – Images and Forcing Currents
Week 7
♦ Lecture 041 Images – The Damage They Do
♦ Exercise 7: Images and the Damage They Do.
8th Week
♦ Exercise 8: On the Origin and Dissolution of Images
9th Week
♦ Lecture 052 The God Image
♦ Exercise 9 (Part-1) on Lecture # 52 – The God Image
♦ Exercise 9 (Part-2) Guided Meditation, on Lecture # 52 – The God Image
♦ Exercise 9 (Part-3) on Lecture # 52 – The God Image
10th Week
♦ Exercise 10: Questions for reflection on the Image of God (Pathwork Lecture # 52)
11th Week
♦ Lecture 83 Idealized Self-Image
♦ Exercise 11: Reflections on the influence of the Idealized Self-Image
Week 12
♦ Exercise 12: Letting Go of the Idealized Self-Image
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