
Gustavo Monteiro: gustavo@pwol.ca

Images and Forcing Currents

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Consider a desire you have, which has proven to be difficult to realize so far. Let’s call it your “cherished desire”.


Think of the reasons why you want to realize that cherished desire. Write down as many as possible such reasons.


Now think of any possible adverse consequences of realizing your cherished desire, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant they may be (brainstorm yourself; some possible examples are: fear of not knowing how to cope with the new situation; feeling of non-deserving; loss of something currently available and also cherished; etc. ). Write them down.


Think of any other desires you may have that compete with your “cherished desire” in terms of your resources, like financial resources, time, attention, emotional rewards (e.g. moving to a distant country x staying close to family and friends). Write down the competing issues related to your cherished desire.


Consider how each and all of the above factors (some of which might have been unconscious until now) could have been creating forcing currents that held back the realization of your cherished desire.


Write concise sentences expressing how each of those restrictive factors could make you feel like (unconsciously) not wanting to realize your cherished desire. (For example: “If I won a big lottery prize, I would waste it for not knowing how to manage wealth.”)


Assign weighs (from 1 to 5) to your sentences; 1 for least applicable/probable and 5 to more applicable/probable.


Look for similarities in your list of issues that could possibly hold back your cherished desire. Can you find any common denominators?


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