Gustavo Monteiro, MSc, Pathwork Helper
Creator and administrator of “Pathwork Online” (PWOL)

As a Pathwork Helper and Life Coach I work with people to facilitate a mutual journey toward a more fulfilling life, using a body of knowledge and wisdom known as the Pathwork. This is a safe path to self-knowledge, self-acceptance, and self-responsibility. It points the way to genuine love of self, others, and the Divine. It also offers specific, practical tools for dissolving misconceptions, for making the unconscious conscious, and for activating the greater consciousness dwelling within every human soul.
A broad range of feelings, emotions and attitudes are addressed in my practice, such as relationship issues, fear, anger, acceptance, self-esteem, assertiveness, anxiety, etc. The specific approach taken depends on individual situations, either in group sessions or personal work. In my practice I also draw on other soul soothing methods such as Reiki and the energetic dynamics of psychic processes, in which I received extensive training and certification.
I also draw on considerable life experience in many happy and long lasting friendships, one marriage, and a professional career spanning over 40 years, in which I experienced all the fears, anxieties, uncertainties, glories and joy of working from office-boy to senior executive of local and international organizations, and as an entrepreneur. Three wonderful children and five grand-daughters add to my family life experience.
I did my Pathwork studies in Brazil, starting in 1996. I have been facilitating Pathwork groups since 2002, and started giving one-on-one Pathwork Helper sessions in 2006, when I completed my ten year program of certification as a Pathwork Helper. I have served as a Trustee of the International Pathwork Foundation – IPF ( from April 2005 to October 2012. From May 2002 to October 2021 I have been a member of the steering committee of the Pathwork Press, the division of the IPF in charge of Pathwork publications.
I have a BSc degree in Electronic Engineering from ITA and a Master of Science in Engineering from UCLA.
On April, 2011, I created the “Pathwork Online” (PWOL) system, to teach and facilitate Pathwork study groups and individual clients on the Internet. It has been growing since then.
I am located in Toronto, ON, Canada and I can be reached by:
- phone: +1-416-561-5780 (WhatsApp enabled)
- e-mail: or
- Zoom; or Google Meet.