
Gustavo Monteiro: gustavo@pwol.ca

Exercise 2-b: Signs of Conflicting Inner Motives

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It has been said that there is an altruistic part of us, which wants to act in a spiritually positive way, and other parts that are not so altruistic, such as the Ego, which has a much more self-centered view of the world and how to live in it.

These parts come into conflict and create opposing impulses in our personality, trying to influence our external actions. It is impossible to do justice to both currents simultaneously, since they have diametrically opposed interests.

When these conflicts manifest themselves in significant aspects of our lives, especially when the unconscious currents prevail, they certainly result in emotional suffering, because the conscious mind does not realize that we are living a lie. But our soul certainly perceives this and feels uncomfortable.

Being true to yourself does not mean giving in to the impulses of the Lower Self (acting on these impulses), but simply that you should be aware of it.

When people feel emotional suffering, this is a sure sign that, in one way or another, they are not being true to themselves. They may be doing good deeds, but with the wrong motivations. For example, they may do charity work with the aim of being accepted and admired for their generosity; and perhaps even to obtain some personal benefit from it.

In terms of spiritual laws and principles, the intention, or motivation, can be more important and significant than the action itself. The same action performed by different people, with different motivations, can lead to very different outcomes.

Can you identify one or more areas of your life in which you feel emotional suffering that makes you unhappy? Try to identify possible internal conflicts in your motivations when acting in these areas. Don’t be fooled if you realize that you are still acting out of a need to protect yourself; rather than from a more enlightened inner vision and conviction. Just be aware that your feelings are still impure in this or that aspect. Then you will have a good basis to start.

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