
Gustavo Monteiro: gustavo@pwol.ca

Exercise 12: Identification with the ego and the evolution of consciousness

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Evolution of consciousness involves a loosening of the so common identification with the little ego and a closer contact with the higher self, who dwells in the realm of feelings.


While much identified with the ego, we feel more insecure, vulnerable and dependent on the external approval of others, whom we try to please in exchange for acceptance and approval. The pleasing of others usually requires the expression of favorable feelings toward them or their creations, even when the real feelings flow in a different direction.


For some people, depending on their personality type and their most frequently used masks, the feeling that is forcefully presented may not be a pleasing one, like expressing love, support and appreciation. If the personal strategy to gain acceptance and admiration is one of intimidation, the manipulated feeling that is expressed may be one of superiority, indifference, or disapproval.


Identification with the ego therefore leads to the manipulation of feelings in order to impress and please or intimidate others. Under any circumstances, manipulating the real feelings to show them in a mascaraed way makes it only more difficult to enhance the contact with the real self.


Consider the following questions and make notes about your answers:


♦ Do you occasionally (or often) enhance or dampen the expression of your feelings to please, intimidate or impress people?

♦ If and when you do tamper with your feelings, what is your main strategy? (To please; intimidate; impress; or other?)

♦ Do you feel that you are always true to your real feelings and have no difficulty to express them as they are?

♦ How do you see the possibility that by expressing disapproval or indifference to the demands of others, your motivation might be the pleasure of feeling “assertive, real and authentic” for not surrendering to the temptation of just being the “nice guy“?

Do you feel any resistance to admit that you may occasionally disguise your real feelings to attain objectives dictated by your ego?

When do you realize that you are (or may be) manipulating the expression of your feelings? (Before, after or while you do it?)

Are you willing to find ways of expressing your real feelings in a non-aggressive way, so that you do not have to violate your truth and yet will not hurt others’ feelings either?

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