This Pathwork Online module (EMG) addresses the process of human emotional growth, with its occasional distortions and obstacles due to the blocks that we unconsciously and inadvertently place in this process.
Feel free to use the recommended work program below for your own unsupervised study. If you would like to have supervision from a certified Pathwork Helper, please contact gustavo@pwol.ca for the necessary arrangements.
Week 1
Lecture 32 – Decisions
Exercise 1-a: Mature vs. Immature Love
Exercise 1-b: Decision Making
Week 2
Exercise 2 – Decisions, Intentions, and Outcomes
Week 3
What is “Pistis Sophia”? (link to Wikipedia)
Lecture 30: The Will of the Ego, Pride, and Fear
Exercise 3: The Conflict Between Self-Will, Pride, and the Higher Self
Week 4
Exercise 4: On Self-Will, Pride, and Fear. Week 5
Lecture 47: The Inner Wall
Exercise 5: Working with the Inner Wall
Week 6
Exercise 6: Dealing with Conflicting Motivations
Week 7
Exercise 8: Free-flowing versus controlled emotions
Week 9
Week 10
Exercise 10-a: Your Emotional Dependency
Exercise 10-b: Emotional Dependency of You
Week 11
Week 12
Exercise 12: Identification with the Ego and the Evolution of Consciousness