
Gustavo Monteiro: gustavo@pwol.ca

Exercise 7: Preparation for Image Finding – The Daily Review


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Prepare a sheet of paper as illustrated by the example above. (Use one of the templates provided below)


Daily Review Form – PDF: good for printing (with Acrobat Reader) and then filling out by hand. To be able to fill out the PDF form on your computer you will need the Acrobat Professional version installed.

Daily Review Form – Excel Spreadsheet: you need the Excel Spreadsheet program installed to open this file. Once you open it you may either print the empty form and fill it manually, or you may key in your data first and print the spreadsheet afterward.

Take notes of incidents in your daily life that cause discomfort or frustration in you. Write down a short description of the incident, what feelings did the incident arouse in you and what action or attitude did you actually take in response to the situation.


When you have a long enough collection of such incidents, along with their corresponding feelings and attitudes, look at them retrospectively and try to identify common patterns that may arise from them. Such patterns will give you clues as to possible images (emotional beliefs) that you may have, which condition your current emotional behavior.


In the example of the template, anger and injustice appear as recurrent feelings. Yet they never lead to an attitude of confronting people and standing for what is felt to be one’s rights. This might indicate the presence of an unconscious image saying that “confronting people and standing for one’s rights is a dangerous action that should always be avoided.”


Have you found any common denominators in the events listed in your daily review that could lead you to the understanding of images that have been conditioning your life so far?

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