
Gustavo Monteiro: gustavo@pwol.ca

Exercise 8: Making contact with your feelings

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Consider a situation in your Daily Review that you have identified as a pattern that repeats itself from time to time, involving feelings of the same nature. Follow the steps below to meditate on this issue.


♦ Sit comfortably with your back straight and legs uncrossed. Close your eyes and breathe freely, but without forcing. Note any areas of tension that may exist in your body and relax those areas.

♦ Choose and visualize a scene that exemplifies the kind of situation and the corresponding feelings perceived as recurrent in your Daily Review.

♦ Make that scene as realistic and vivid as possible, by observing the details of it. For example, details of where the scene takes place, the lighting of the place, the clothes you’re wearing, how other people are dressed, etc.. Then watch what the people are doing and saying, and how you interact with them.

♦ Gradually reduce the amount of control you exert over the scene, letting go of your creation of it in your imagination, and taking on the role of a mere passive observer. Just watch passively, as the scene unfolds spontaneously, with gradually less and less interference from you (as if you were watching a movie). Do not censor anything or direct anything. Just watch passive and quietly.

♦ After a while of this passive watching the unfolding of the scene, start paying attention to the feelings that the scene evokes in you. Try to feel and intensely re-live those feelings.

♦ After a few moments watching and feeling the feelings evoked by the scene, return to your awaken consciousness. Make notes about your experience, so as not to forget them. Make sure to register the feelings and emotions that impacted you the most.


How easy (or difficult) was it to get in touch with your feelings, as you visualized and tried to re-live scenes from your Daily Review?


Were some of the feelings more difficult to connect with? Which ones? What meaning does this have for you?


Try repeating this exercise a few times. You will notice an increased ease of connection with the feelings evoked by the original real scene. It will also be interesting to repeat this meditation with different scenes of your Daily Review that evoked other feelings.

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