
Gustavo Monteiro: gustavo@pwol.ca

Comments on Lecture 157 – Infinite Possibilities Hindered by Emotional Dependency

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Everything that can be, already exists in a state of potentiality. All we can do is to make these existing possibilities manifest.


To manifest something, to bring it to life, we have first to conceive of it; and we must conceive positively. This means we should always conceive of what we truly want and know can be achieved; and not of what we want to avoid. The latter would be negative motivation.


Negative motivation can be exerted at all levels of the personality: mental; emotional; physical.


In the immature, unbalanced personality there is a childish part that does not know, or refuses to know that the childish impotency no longer holds true for the adult.


The needy child in us lives in our unconscious; and is unaware that the personality has grown up and is no longer dependent on others to achieve happiness. Our adult ego is often not aware of the existence of the needy immature child living in the unconscious. The ego feels as if the whole personality had developed. This is one of the most fundamental splits in the human personality, which leads to emotional dependency.


There is a thin line and a subtle balance between fair acceptance and assertiveness. The discernment between the two cannot be taught; it must come through personal growth.


When you attempt to get from others what you can only get from yourself you create forcing currents that cause the others to retract and prevent you from getting what you want.


It is only when you let go of such forcing currents that you will open yourself to receive what you need from the universe within.

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