What is happiness for you?
The following questions aim at bringing to the conscious level some important questions to which we do not frequently direct the focus of our attention.
♦ What things or circumstances do you think could make you a happier person?
♦ What do you miss in life?
♦ What has prevented you from having things or circumstances that would make you happier?
♦ Who could contribute more (and how?) to your desired happiness?
♦ What aspects do you think you need to transform in yourself (if any) to become worthy of the happiness you desire?
♦ If you allow people to see you exactly as you are today, with all your qualities and defects, how do you think that would impact your current state of happiness (or unhappiness)?
♦ In what areas of your life (work, health, finances, family relationships, romantic, social, etc.) do you feel happier? And in which do you feel less happy?
♦ How satisfying is your relationship with people in your workplace? And in other environments?
♦ Do you feel that you give more to life than you receive? How do you stand on this issue? How do you feel about that?
♦ Are you willing to face the new and overcome your fears and resistance?
Try to set an intention for your work in this course, in order to motivate and guide your journey along this path.