
Gustavo Monteiro: gustavo@pwol.ca

Exercise 6: Meditation of the 3 Voices

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Consider a situation where you had to make a decision about something important. State the decision made as a clear and concise sentence.

♦ Sit comfortably with your back straight and legs uncrossed.

♦ Close your eyes, breathe and notice any areas of tension in your body; relax those areas.

♦ Create a mental image to represent each of your Higher Self, your Lower Self and your Mask Self (also known as your Idealized Self-Image). The (symbolic) representation of these characters may be a human figure or not; it can be an abstract or a concrete figure; that doesn’t matter. Use whatever image that appears in your mind as appropriate for each one.

♦ Visualize yourself sitting in the room and accompanied by your Higher Self, your Lower Self and your Idealized Self-Image (your Mask ).

♦ Focus your attention on the decision to meditate on, and let the three characters that accompany you in the exercise comment on your decision. Shift your attention among your inner selves, asking them (one at a time) to comment on the decision you have made. Listen to what they think your motives were to  decide the way you did and perhaps how differently they think you should have decided. Listen to their voices and pay attention to their arguments.


At the end of the exercise, write down the main voices; the ones that most caught your attention, so that you do not forget them.


Compare those voices with the considerations you may have been doing consciously about your motives to decide the way you did or why you should perhaps have decided differently on that issue. Which of those inner voices seem to have been most influential in your decision?


Repeat this meditation with different decisions that you have made or with issues that you still have to decide upon. This will facilitate increasing your ability to hear and distinguish your inner voices, identifying where do they come from, thus exercising and developing your Observer Self.

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